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World and Press May 2 2022

Original Pressetexte aus britischen und US-amerikanischen Medien Sprachtraining, Landeskunde, Vokabelhilfen und Übungsmaterial für Fortgeschrittene Sprachniveau B2 - C2


16 World and Press | May 2 2022 | Photo: Pixabay Diner who bit into pearl could make 10,000 clams DINING OUT A diner in the US found a pearl in his dish. By Will Pavia 1 ENJOYINGa dish of a dozen clams in a restaurant on the Jersey Shore, Michael Spressler felt something hard and round in his mouth. “He actually thought his tooth had fallen out,” his wife Maria, 54, said yesterday. “He said, ‘Look at this!’ ” It was a pearl, round and perfectly white, potentially worth many times the bill for their meal. 2 The couple were dining at The Lobster House in the seaside resort of Cape May, which serves 0 – 2 DINERRestaurantgast — pearl “p‰…l‘ Perle — clam Muschel; (coll) Dollar — lobster Hummer — seaside resort Seebad — commercial fleet Handelsflotte 3 – 4 to swallow “"swÅl´U‘ schlucken — to measure a menu of fish caught by its own commercial fleet. “The restaurant was just as shocked as we were,” said Maria Spressler, who has been visiting the restaurant with her husband, 59, for 35 years. “They were like, ‘This has never happened.’ ” 3 The pearl her husband nearly swallowed measured 8.83mm, she said. “It’s pure white, almost perfectly round.” They have not yet had it appraised. 4 Eddie Levi, manager of the New York jeweller DSL Pearl, said its value would depend largely on solution its lustre. “Sometimes pearls are very shiny and sometimes they are very matte,” he said. “If there are no blemishes on it and it’s shiny, it’s worth ten times more.” A shiny pearl of that size might go for between ,000 and ,000, he said, but a dull one might be less than 0. It was rare to find a pearl in a restaurant clam, he said. “It does happen, but not very often.” © The Times, London/News Licensing This article originally appeared in The Times, London. “"meZ´‘ messen — to appraise “´"preIz‘ den Wert e-r S. schätzen — jeweller “"dZu…´l´‘ Juwelier — lustre “"løst´‘ Glanz — shiny glänzend — matte matt — blemish “"blemIS‘ Flecken; Makel — dull stumpf, glanzlos Page 15 | Across 2 DEPLOY • 4 NEGLECT • 6 VESSEL • 8 DIVULGE • 10 JILTED • 11 RESISTANCE • 12 UNHARMED • 17 NORTHWARD • 18 SUBMARINE • 19 ARTIFICIAL • 20 VETERAN • 21 JUVENILE Down 1 EVOLVE • 3 PREDATOR • 5 GRIPPING • 7 SCORN • 9 FAVORABLE • 13 ENDURING • 14 GRITTY • 15 WRECKAGE • 16 RELIEF Getting to know Ireland and Scotland! • Lehrplanthemen: Irland, Schottland, Internationale Beziehungen UK – EU • Niveau A2 – B2, Mittelstufe und gymnasiale Oberstufe • Pressetexte, Vokabelerklärungen, Übungen Extra Ireland and Scotland ¤ 21,90 [D] | ISBN 978-3-7961-1074-0 politics and society writing Ireland said ‘yes’ to gay marriage POLITICS AND SOCIETY A big majority was in favour of same­sex marriage – influence of the Catholic church has declined, writes Moya Irvine. A2 – B1 1 THE REPUBLIC of Ireland became the first country to legalise same­sex marriage through a referendum. On 22 May 2015 more than 62 per cent voted in favour of allowing gay couples to marry. The vote showed how much Ireland has changed in the last few decades. Up until 1993, homosexual acts were illegal in the republic. 2 Thousands of people stood in the spring sunshine outside Dublin Castle where the votes were counted and celebrated the victory for same­sex marriage. Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s first openly gay Taoiseach, said at the time that the campaign for gay marriage was ‘almost like a social revolution’. Enda Kenny, who was Taoiseach when the referendum took place said that with the vote, ‘We have disclosed who we are. We are a generous, compassionate, bold, and joyful people who say yes to inclusion, yes to generosity, yes to love, yes to gay marriage.’ One gay couple told a journalist from the Irish Times: ‘It means we’re the same as everybody else. We are now officially part of Ireland.’ 3 There was a high turnout of 61 per cent for the referendum, with thousands returning from abroad to cast their votes. Only one of the country’s 43 constituencies voted against same sex­marriage. And jus three of the 166 members of the Irish parliament supported the ‘no’ campaign. 0 GAY MARRIAGE “"mœrIdZ‘ gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe — majority “m´"dZÅr´ti‘ Mehrheit — in favour of für, dafür — samesex marriage gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe — influence “"InflU´ns‘ Einfluss — to decline “dI"klaIn‘ abnehmen 1 to vote (ab)stimmen — to allow s.o. to do jdm. erlauben, etw. zu tun — couple “køpl‘ Paar — vote Abstimmung; Stimme — decade “"dekeId‘ Jahrzehnt — homosexual “Æh´Um´"sekSU´l‘— act Handlung — illegal “I"li…g´l‘ 2 to count zählen — to celebrate “"selI breIt‘ feiern — taoiseach “"ti…S´k‘ (irisch) | Photo: Picture A liance 4 The chief supporter of the ‘no’ campaign was the Catholic church in Ireland, which upheld the traditional view of the family: a husband, a wife, and children. In the 2011 census, around 85 per cent of Irish people said they were Catholic. In the 2016 census, the number of Catholics dropped to 78.3 per cent. The influence of the church has been declining in recent years after a series of child abuse scandals involving priests. There have also been questions abou the treatment in the past of unmarried mothers and their babies at some church­run institutions. 5 Other decisions have also shown that the Catholic church plays a smaller role in Ireland today. In 1995, divorce was legalised, and in 2013, abortion was also legalised in some cases. Civil partnerships have been legal for same­sex couples since 2010. 6 The first gay marriages took place in November 2015. In 2001, the Netherlands was the first country in the world to allow same­sex marriage. Today 29 countries, including the United Kingdom and all 50 US states, recognize gay marriage. Premierminister(in) — campaign “kœm"peIn‘ Kampagne — to take place stattfinden — to disclose “dIs"kl´Uz‘ enthü len, offenbaren — generous “"dZen´r´s‘ großzügig; generosity “ÆdZen´"rÅs´ti‘ Großzügigkeit — compassionate “k´m"pœs´n´t‘ mitfühlend — bold kühn — joyful vo ler Freude — inclusion “In"klu…Z´n‘ Inklusion — journalist “"dZ‰… n´lIst‘ 3 turnout “"--‘ Wahlbeteiligung — from abroad aus dem Ausland — to cast one’s vote seine Stimme abgeben — constituency “k´n"stItjU´nsi‘ Wahlkreis Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 28. Mai 2022. Von Magna Carta bis Devolution Extra – The United Kingdom The Political System Themenheft in englischer Sprache 44 Seiten, DIN A4, Softcover · ¤ 16,90 ISBN 978-3-7961-1154-9 (1) What Britain’s deal with​ ... The New York Times; 15.04.2022 (2) It’s time Americans give … The Washington Post; 17.02.2022 (3) Rich countries lure health … The New York Times; 24.01.2022 (4) Take New York … The Times; 12.03.2022 Florida just named its … Miami Herald; 14.03.2022 (5) Yellowstone at 150 The Guardian; 28.02.2022 (6) Inside London’s … The Guardian; 25.02.2022 Archaeologists discover rare … The Washington Post; 28.02.2022 (7) How a war helped ease a … The New York Times; 04.03.2022 (8) Amazon is less able to … The New York Times; 07.03.2022 Fried insect hailed … The Times; 26.02.2022 4 chief Haupt­, wichtigste(r, s) — to uphold “-"-‘ unterstützen — in recent years “"ri… s´nt‘ in den letzten Jahren — series “"sI´rIz‘ Reihe — child abuse “´"bju…s‘ Kindesmissbrauch — treatment Behandlung — unmarried unverheiratet — church-run kirchlich — institution “ÆInstI"tju…S´n‘ Einrichtung 5 – 6 decision Entscheidung — divorce “dI"vO…s‘ Scheidung — abortion “´"bO…S´n‘ Abtreibung — in some cases in einigen Fä len — civil partnership eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft — the Netherlands die Niederlande — including darunter — to recognize anerkennen 29 Ab 16. Mai im Handel references • Abiturthema: Das politische System Großbritanniens • Niveau B2 – C1 – C2, gymnasiale Oberstufe • Materialvielfalt: aktuelle Pressetexte, Videos, Podcasts, Infografiken • Die Sprachzeitung • (9) Build a new city or new … The New York Times; 05.03.2022 (10) Botswana’s president … Bloomberg News; 06.03.2022 Wanted: grizzly bear … The Guardian; 08.03.2022 (11) Surgeons work to … The Times; 05.03.2022 (12) South Koreans overwhelmingly … The Washington Post; 22.02.2022 (13) California drought, … Los Angeles Times; 07.03.2022 (14) Pine martens to be … The Guardian; 18.02.2022 Shackleton’s lost ship found … The Washington Post; 09.03.2022 (15) ‘The Pages’ by … Star Tribune; 02.02.2022 (16) Diner who bit … The Times; 02.03.2022

World and Press